Explore Social Activities at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas

Discover social activities at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas. Explore events such as social gatherings, COVID-19 awareness events, and other special occasions.

Explore Social Activities at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas

Are you looking for ways to get involved in social activities at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas? The Church is a great place to connect with others and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has recently released a National Synthesis (in English and Spanish) of the People of God in the United States of America. This report includes information about the Dioceses of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas as well as the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, which are part of Episcopal Region X.In addition, Bishop Coerver of Lubbock recently announced that Holy Communion can be distributed in both species starting April 6th during the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper. The Catholic Pastoral Center and the Joan Patton Financial Center will be closed on Monday, May 29th in commemoration of Memorial Day. If you're looking for more ways to get involved in social activities at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas, there are plenty of options available.

You can attend events such as social gatherings, COVID-19 awareness events, and other special occasions. You can also keep up with news and updates from the Church by checking out their calendar. No matter what your interests are, there is something for everyone at the Catholic Church in Lubbock, Texas. So don't hesitate to explore all that it has to offer!.

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